Results for 'Joannes Franciscus Aristotle'

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    Commentarii collegii Conimbricensis, societatis Jesu, in libros de generatione et corruptione Aristotelis,:... Hac secunda editione graeci contextus latino è regione respondentis accessione auctiores.Colégio das Artes, Manuel de Goes, Franciscus Vatablus, Joannes Albinus & Aristotle - 1601 - In Officina Typographica Ioannis Albini.
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    Gesammelte Schriften.Joannes Franciscus Buddeus - 1999 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Walter Sparn.
    Bd. 1. Elementa philosophiae instrumentalis, seu institutionum philosophiae eclecticae, tomus primus -- Bd. 2. Elementa philosophiae theoreticae seu institutionum philosophiae eclecticae, tomus secundus -- Bd. 3. Elementa philosophiae practicae -- Bd. 4. Introductio ad historiam philosophiae ebraeorum. Accedit dissertatio de haeresi Valentiniana -- Bd. 5. Analecta historiae philosophicae -- Bd. 6. Institutiones theologiae moralis variis observationibus illustratae -- Bd. 7. Institutiones theologiae dogmaticae variis observationibus illustratae (<2> v.) -- Bd. 8. Isagoge historico-theologica ad theologiam universam singulasque eius partes, novis supplementis (...)
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  3. Diui Thomae Aquinatis in Libros Aristotelis de Generatione Et Corruptione Castigatissima Commentaria Cum Duplici Textus Tralatione, Antiqua Videlicet & Noua Francisci Vatabli, Nuperrimè Addita. De Mistione Etiam Elementorum... His Superadditum. Duo Item Indices His Omnibus Appositi Sunt.Franciscus Thomas, Aristotle, Vatablus & Heredi di Girolamo Scotto - 1609 - Apud Haeredem Hieronymi Scoti.
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  4. S. Thomae Aquinatis Doctoris Angelici in Libros Meteorologicorum Aristotelis Praeclarissima Commentaria Cum Duplici Textus Interpretatione, Vna Francisci Vatabli, Antique Altera. Iam Postremo Diligentia Maiori Quàm Antea À Mendis & Erroribus Expurgata: Indice Apposito Sententiarum Omnium.Franciscus Thomas, Aristotle, Vatablus & Heredi di Girolamo Scotto - 1595 - Apud Hæedem Hieronymi Scoti.
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  5. Schriften über Joachim Langes und Johann Franz Buddes Kontroverse mit Christian Wolff.Jean Ecole, Christian Wolff, Joachim Lange & Joannes Franciscus Buddeus - 2000 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Jean Ecole.
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    Kleine Kontroversschriften mit Joachim Lange und Johann Franz Budde.Christian Wolff, Jean Ecole, Joachim Lange & Joannes Franciscus Buddeus (eds.) - 1724 - New York: G. Olms.
    Des Herrn Doct. und Prof. Joachim Langens, oder, Der Theologischen Facultaet zu Halle Anmerckungen über des Herrn Hoff-Raths und Professor Christian Wolffens Metaphysicam ... nebst beygefügter Hr. Hoff-R. und Prof. Christian Wolffens gründlicher Antwort -- Herrn D. Joh. Francisci Buddei S.S. Theol. P.P.O. zu Jena Bedencken über die Wolffianische Philosophie, mit Anmerckungen erläutert von Christian Wolffen.
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    Eustratii Episcopi Nicoeni, In Aristotelis Moralia Nichomachia doctissimae explanationes: Aspasii quoque & Michaelis Ephesii nonnullorumq[ue] aliorum Græcorum, in eadem Moralia subtilissimæ expositiones.Joannes Bernardus Eustratius, Felicianus, Aspasius, Michael & Aristotle - 1589 - Apud Hæedem Hieronymi Scoti.
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    Ethices Philosophiae Compendivm: Ex Platone, Aristotele, aliisq[ue] optimis quibusq[ue] auctoribus collectum.Sebastián Fox Morcillo, Joannes Oporinus, Aristotle & Plato - 1561 - Ex Officina Ioannis Oporini.
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  9. R.P.F. Francisci Syluestri Ferrariensis Totius Ordinis Præicatorum Generalis Magistri Theologi, Ac Philosophi Prætantissimi, Quætiones Luculentissimæin Octos Libros Physicorum Aristotelis. Cum Additionibus Ad Easdem, & Aliis Quætionibus Philosophicis R.P.F. Matthiæaquarij Publici Theologiæac Metaphysices Ordinarij in Florentissimo Neapolitano Gymnasio Professoris.Franciscus Sylvester, Matthias Aquarius, Aristotle & Haeredes Hieronymi Scoti - 1593 - Apud Hæedem Hieronymi Scoti.
  10. Methodus Inueniendi Medium Terminum Compara[N]Diq[Ue] Copiam Propositionum in Omni Genere Syllogismorum, Tradita Ab Aristotele in Secunda Parte Primi Libri [Analytikon Protoron].Christophorus Cornerus, Joannes Oporinus & Aristotle - 1556 - Per Ioannem Oporinum.
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    Martini Borrhai Stugardiani in tres Aristotelis de Arte dicendi libros Commentaria: Hermolai Barbari, eorundem versio, cum Graeco textu capitibus suis distincto, & figuris Aristotelicam methodum indicantibus illustrato : Accessit geminus ac locuples rerum et verborum memorabilium Index.Martin Borrhaus, Ermolao Barbaro, Jakob Kündig, Joannes Oporinus & Aristotle - 1551 - [Ex Officina Iacobi Parci, Impensis Ioannis Oporini ...].
  12.  93
    Innocence, Evil, and Human Frailty: potentiality and the child in the writings of giorgio agamben.Joanne Faulkner - 2010 - Angelaki 15 (2):203-219.
    With his concept of ‘potentiality,’ Agamben offers a promising means of approaching questions of power and agency. Yet arguably, by situating potentiality as a reserve created through the sovereign ban, Agamben neglects the inter-subjective context of ordinary everyday agency. This means that while Agamben’s theory is particularly well suited to the analysis of interactions between states and their citizens, and those excluded from citizenship, it provides poor tools for understanding how social disparity develops within communities, understood as networks of individuals (...)
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  13. R. Patris, Francisci Suarez, E Societate Iesu, Metaphysicarum Disputationum in Quibus Et Vniuersa Naturalis Theologia Ordinate Traditur, Et Quætiones Ad Omnes Duodecim Aristotelis Libros Pertinentes, Accuratè Disputantur.Francisco Suárez & Franciscus Heluidius - 1614 - Excudebat Franciscus Heluidius.
  14.  41
    Ockham : mots, concepts et réalités.Claude Lafleur & Joanne Carrier - 2020 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 76 (2):229-272.
    Following the traditional order in his time of a course on “Old Logic”, or Ars Vetus, Ockham, after commenting on Porphyry’s Isagoge and Aristotle’s Categories, comes to his Expositio in librum Perihermenias Aristotelis, of which is offered here a French translation and an orthographic edition of the part considered then as the Proem (chapter 1 of Bekker’s edition, 16a1-18, for us famous because of the “semiotic triangle” of the written, vocal and mental signs, in relation, taking into account the (...)
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    Ockham : logique et universaux isagogiques.Claude Lafleur & Joanne Carrier - 2020 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 76 (2):197-223.
    As a general introduction to Ockham’s commentaries on logic, that of Porphyry and Aristotle, the Expositionis in libros artis logice Prohemium deals with the nature of this discipline, its subject, its utility, its specificity, and of its epistemological status. The new French translation offered here is accompanied by an annotated edition that reproduces the medieval spelling of Ockham’s Latin. The same goes for the new translation of the beginning of Ockham’s first logical commentary, the Expositio in librum Porphirii De (...)
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    Ockham : la nature du concept.Claude Lafleur & Joanne Carrier - 2020 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 76 (2):281-305.
    The Questiones in Libros Phisicorum Aristotelis (Questions on the books of Aristotle’s Physics), putatively discussed in public at the Franciscan Studium of London by Ockham before leaving England for Avignon in the spring of 1324, opens with seven questions about the nature of the concept. Here are offered a French translation and an orthographic edition, with an intertextual correspondence table, of this De conceptu, which, massively, appears to have been “magistrally” compiled from the excursus of the Expositio in Prohemium (...)
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  17.  8
    (1 other version)Die Kosmologie des Franciscus de Marchia: Texte, Quellen Und Untersuchungen Zur Naturphilosophie des 14 Jahrhunderts.Notker Schneider (ed.) - 1950 - New York: Brill.
    The basic natural philosophical questions, which led in the 14th century to the transformation of cosmology, are thoroughly analysed and commented upon with the aid of the Quaestiones of Franciscus de Marchia, edited here for the first time, and in the light of Aristotelian and Medieval debate. In his precise critique of Aristotle Marchia proved himself to be a precursor of several essential turning point in the development of modern cosmology.
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  18. The Doctrine of Signs in John Poinsot: The Context, Content, and Perennial Importance of Joannes a Sancto Thoma's 'Doctrina Signorum'.Brian Kemple - 2025 - Studia Poinsotiana.
    This text should have been written by John Deely (1942–2017). But we all pass from this coil with our life’s work left unfinished—leaving thereby to others the choice of whether or not that work is continued. During our last conversation, knowing that his time in this life was limited, John expressed to me a wonder and a trepidation whether the human soul really is immortal. I repeated to him, in paraphrase, words he had once said in class: “It is an (...)
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  19.  42
    (1 other version)The Quaestiones libri Physicorum by Franciscus Marbres . Part II: Manuscripts, Printings and the Textual Tradition.Christopher D. Schabel - 2016 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 58:191-232.
    This is Part II of a two-part study on the questions on Aristotles’ Physics by Francesc Marbres, the artist commonly known as “John the Canon.” Although written around 1330, only two fourteenth-century manuscripts preserve the work, but it became so popular around 1450 that dozens of fifteenth-century manuscripts containing the work survive and it was printed eight times from 1475 to 1520. Here the manuscripts and early prints are described, and then an attempt is made to trace the tradition of (...)
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  20.  8
    In Physicam Aristotelis.Richard Rufus of Cornwall (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Oup/British Academy.
    As one of the earliest Western physics teachers, Richard Rufus of Cornwall helped transform Western natural philosophy in the 13th century. But despite the importance of Rufus's works, they were effectively lost for 500 years, and the Physics commentary is the first complete work of his ever to be printed. Rufus taught at the Universities of Paris and Oxford from 1231 to 1256, at the very time when exposure to Aristotle's libri naturales was revolutionizing the academic curriculum; indeed Rufus (...)
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  21.  7
    Mittelalterliche lateinische Übersetzungen von Schriften der Aristoteles-Kommentatoren Johannes Philoponos, Alexander von Aphrodisias und Themistios.Martin Grabmann - 1929 - Walter de Gruyter.
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    In physicam Aristotelis.Richard Rufus - 2003 - New York: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press. Edited by Rega Wood.
    As one of the earliest Western physics teachers, Richard Rufus of Cornwall helped transform Western natural philosophy in the 13th century. But despite the importance of Rufus's works, they were effectively lost for 500 years, and the Physics commentary is the first complete work of his ever to be printed. Rufus taught at the Universities of Paris and Oxford from 1231 to 1256, at the very time when exposure to Aristotle's ibri naturales was revolutionizing the academic curriculum; indeed Rufus (...)
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  23. (3 other versions)The Nicomachean Ethics.Aristotle - 1951 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:477-478.
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    A proposito di Giovanni Filopono cristiano e gli studi di Étienne Évrard.Angela Longo - 2022 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 43 (1):165-178.
    The studies of É. Évrard, recently published by M.-A. Gavray, are high quality works which allow to immerse oneself in the context of the Platonic-Aristotelian school of Alexandria in Egypt throughout the sixth century AD. They mostly focus on the figure and work of Joannes Philoponus, with specific attention to the compositional technique of his Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics and of On the Eternity of the World against Aristotle. Despite being strongly critical of the Stagirite on some (...)
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  25.  45
    The Mechanization of Aristotelianism: The Late Aristotelian Setting of Thomas Hobbes' Natural Philosophy. [REVIEW]George Wright - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (1):101-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.1 (2004) 101-103 [Access article in PDF] Cees Leijenhorst. The Mechanization of Aristotelianism: The Late Aristotelian Setting of Thomas Hobbes' Natural Philosophy. Leiden: Brill, 2002. Pp. xv + 242. Cloth, $97.00. Cees Leijenhorst, the young Dutch scholar and student of the late Karl Schuhmann, has written the most important book on Thomas Hobbes's natural science since Frithiof Brandt's Thomas Hobbes's Mechanical Conception of (...)
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    (1 other version)Prior Analytics.Aristotle & Robin Smith - 1989 - New York: Kessinger Publishing. Edited by Gisela Striker.
    WE must first state the subject of our inquiry and the faculty to which it belongs: its subject is demonstration and the faculty that carries it out demonstrative science.
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  27. Generation of animals.Aristotle - unknown
  28. Categories and De Interpretatione.Aristotle & J. L. Ackrill - 1969 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 159:268-270.
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  29. Posterior Analytics.Aristotle & Hipopocrates G. Apostle - 1983 - Apeiron 17 (1):70-72.
  30. Metaphysica.W. D. Aristotle & Ross - 1908 - Clarendon Press.
  31. Politics: Books V and Vi.David Aristotle Keyt (ed.) - 1999 - Cambridge, Mass.: Oxford University Press UK.
    Books V and VI of Aristotle's Politics constitute a manual on practical politics. In the fifth book Aristotle examines the causes of faction and constitutional change and suggests remedies for political instability. In the sixth book he offers practical advice to the statesman who wishes to establish, preserve, or reform a democracy or an oligarchy. He discusses many political issues, theoretical and practical, which are still widely debated today--revolution and reform, democracy and tyranny, freedom and equality. David Keyt (...)
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  32.  19
    De generatione et corruptione.Christopher John Fards Aristotle & Williams - 1922 - Oxford: Clarendon Press. Edited by Harold H. Joachim.
  33. Historia animalium.Aristotle - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Katharina Epstein.
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    A New Artistotle Reader.Aristotle - 1987 - Oxford University Press. Edited by J. L. Ackrill.
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    On generation and corruption.Aristotle - unknown
  36. On the Soul.Aristotle - 1984 - In Jonathan Barnes, The Complete Works: The Rev. Oxford Translation. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. pp. 641-692.
  37. Meteorologica.Aristotle - unknown
  38. Eudemian Ethics.Aristotle - 1984 - In Jonathan Barnes, The Complete Works: The Rev. Oxford Translation. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. pp. 1922–1981.
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    Il De ideis di Aristotele e la teoria platonica delle idee.Walter Leszl & Aristotle - 1975 - Firenze: Olschki. Edited by Aristotle.
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  40. De generatione animalium.Aristotle - unknown
  41. Topica.Aristotle - unknown
  42. Virtues and vices.Aristotle - unknown
  43. Metaphysics: A Revised Text with Introduction and Commentary.Aristotle - 1924 - In W. D. Ross, [no title]. Oxford University Press.
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  44. [Markou Tulliou Kikeronos ... ] Marci Tullii Ciceronis de Senectute, [Et] Somnio Scipionis.Marcus Tullius Cicero, Theodoros Gazes & Joannes Bebelius - 1524 - Apud Ioannem Bebelium.
  45. Categoriae.Aristotle - unknown
  46. Politics footnotes.Aristotle - unknown
  47. De partibus animalium.Aristotle - unknown
  48.  77
    On interpretation.Aristotle - unknown
  49. Works.W. D. Aristotle, J. A. Ross & Smith - 1908 - Clarendon Press.
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    Nicomachean Ethics.Terence Irwin & Aristotle of Stagira - 1999 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing.
    Building on the strengths of the first edition, the second edition of the Irwin Nicomachean Ethics features a revised translation (with little editorial intervention), expanded notes (including a summary of the argument of each chapter), an expanded Introduction, and a revised glossary.
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